How To Get 1000 Dollars Fast: 11 Ways To Get Some Money!

get 1000 dollars fastQuestion: “I need some money quickly – is there a way for me to learn how to get 1000 dollars fast?”
To make $1000 quickly is difficult (nothing’s free and without work) and many people will use online payday loans or cash advances. That can be a mistake. Those advances will cost you more in the long run, so I want to look at a few other options to raise cash fast.

Will you make $1000 today? Probably not. But these options require no job and may help your kid make money, too. I recommend bookmarking this article, along with my other series of articles about raising extra money. Some will be ways to raise cash online, too.

Keep an open mind because many of these ideas may put you out of your comfort zone.

11 Ways To Get Some Money!

Rent out the garage or attic

I have a two car garage. A buddy of mine use to rent out one of the spaces for $1000 a year so he can work on his project Camaro. That worked out to $83.33 per month for the space and he has access to my tools and beer.

He gets a good deal and I earn extra cash each month for a space that went unused.

You may not have an extra garage space, but most people have an attic or basement. You could offer that space at a reduced rate.

Many storage units cost more than $30 a month and are not heated or under supervision. You have an option to offer space in your home, which is heated, out of the elements, and safe and secure, for a reduced rate such as $25 per month. That turns out to $300 per year.

You could ask for the payment upfront and only have to worry about coming up with $700 more. When you need money ASAP, any little bit can help.

Rent out your home for a week to make $1000 quick

If you live in a top vacation location, consider renting out your home for a week. Yes, you may need to camp in the woods, stay with friends or your parents, or even sleep in your car.

But it’s not that hard if you think about the logistics of it. You will be able to shower when you go to the gym in the morning, then go to work. After work, you can visit friends, go to a cultural event, spend some time at the library.

In return, you get 1000 dollars fast for your inconvenience. That’s better than a personal loan, if you ask me.

Rent out your flat for 3-6 months if you’re brave

Short term rentals are common for folks who are starting a new job in a new city. They may need a place quick and may not want to sign a year long contract.

If you have the support structure to rent your home out for a few months, you’ll easily make $1000 dollars.

Keep in mind, though, this is going to be harder than being gone for 1 week but if you are desperate for money now, well, you could try it.

Be a human guinea pig for medical and clinical trials

Medical research can net you between hundreds to thousands of dollars. There are always new tests being performed by university medical schools and tests of new drugs from companies like Pfizer.

You can be compensated for the time you spend during the trial. Often, there will be certain requirements for the trials, but it is a really quick way to easily make 1000 dollars now. You would also be able to pay off any outstanding debt if you get a trial that pays a couple thousand.

Get $1000 dollars from donating plasma

Blood banks will compensate your time with money if you donate plasma, which makes this a quick money making method for healthy people.

Plasma donation involves getting some blood drawn from your body, the plasma is then separated from the blood, and the blood is returned to your body.

Plasma donation can net you anywhere between $25 to $100 per donation. The key is to find donation centers that offer $100 for your first donation.

This means that you only need to donate ten times to make 1000 dollars fast and easy. Of course, even if you can only net $25 per time, you still can donate twice a week for an extra $50 bucks or $200 bucks a month. Over 1 year, you will earn $2,400.

Good affiliate marketers get more than $1000

Affiliate marketing can make you a lot of money very quickly. There are many ways to do this but the idea is this: Find an affiliate program that pays a lot of money when a customer signs up.

Example: Credit card offers have high payouts. If you build a website that targets credit cards and have credit card affiliate links on your site, a reader may sign up for that card.

If the reader does, you will earn a commission, which could range from $1 to $150 dollars.

This can be done using your own website and writing articles that people are searching for or you could use Google’s Adwords advertising program. Many marketers earn five to six figures a month using these quick money making methods.

Candle-making: Sell locally and on eBay to make $1000 bucks

My tax adviser taught me this trick. She makes candles and sells them locally. She was earning about $1000 a month but was doing a lot of hard selling and word of mouth selling.

That will net you cash quick, but I gave her the idea of setting up a website that targets people looking to buy specific candles. She liked the idea and wanted to add eBay into the mix.

Revenue sharing sites

Many people will tell you that revenue sharing websites like HubPages or Squidoo will earn you $1000 per month as a passive income.

These websites allow you to write articles and post your articles on them. Once the articles are published, you have advertisements from Google on them, and you get paid when a reader selects the advertisement.

You become a publisher, but it can take a lot of work and time. I can tell you from experience, it’s possible but you’ll earn more with your own website (that’s how this site was born).

You, also, have to learn about search engine optimization and market research.

Amazon, baby!

If you learn how to do market research and SEO, then you should move your efforts toward selling products from Amazon on your website, too.

Amazon offers a commission for every visitor you refer who purchase a product. The commission structure can earn you some money every month. Some people earn $10,000 or more each month.

Got a cool car: Rent it out and make a quick $100 dollars a day

Once my buddy finishes his ’88 Camaro, I think it would be cool if he rented it out for $100 a day.

Cool cars, whether luxury, muscle, or sports cars, could be rented out at a premium price.

Think about it: His Camaro, which he’s put 30K into, would be paid off in a year if he rented it out every day for 365 days.

On day 366, your car would be paid for and you would not need money for car loans. This is more of an investment than a fast way to make 1000 bucks.

Freelance your way to make $1000 dollars

Sites like offer a viable way to get 1000 dollars fast. These are freelance sites that allow you to get hired by a contractor who’s requesting a specific task to be done.

Yes, you’ll have to work to earn it and you’ll need some skills — such as writing, design, programming, customer service.

The point is this: Apply for jobs you can do, do a good job, get feedback, get paid.

Clients pay fast. I’ve hired many freelancers from

Like to talk? Set up a telephone service

You’ve seen those psychic hotline type setups, I’m sure. What if you had a topic that people were willing to talk to you about?

It could be anything — from relationship advice to losing weight, from providing 100 ways to make money fast to offering horoscopes.

You could advertise your service through Adwords or Facebook and get calls from people who want to talk about your topic.

Of course, you would charge for the service. At $1 per minute, you would only need to spend 1000 minutes on the phone to get $1000 dollars fast. That is 16 hours worth of work at a rate of $62.50 per hour.

Remember, you need to make sure there’s a market for your service and be mindful of startup costs.

I hope this list of ways how to make 1000 dollars fast has been of use to you. If nothing, I hope it gives you hope that you do not need to take out an online cash loan or installment loan.

Originally posted 2023-01-06 16:44:31.